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Chileskir kvikmyndadagar


Námsgrein í spænskum fræðum við Mála- og menningardeild Háskóla Íslands býður til chileskra kvikmyndadaga 4.-6. desember í samstarfi við chileska sendiráðið í Noregi. Sýningarnar verða í Auðarsal í Veröld. Efnt er til kvikmyndadaganna til að minnast þess að hálf öld er liðin frá valdaráni chileska hersins.

Sýndar verða myndirnar Un lugar llamado dignidad, La mirada incendiada og 1976. Verið öll velkomin. 


Pablo, a 12-year-old boy, receives a scholarship to attend school in the mysterious and isolated Colonia Dignidad, established in Chile by German settlers. He quickly becomes the favorite of the leader of the colony, Uncle Paul. Over time, Pablo witnesses the strangest things that happen there: abuse, disappearances and demon-like creatures used to scare children. But in this wicked world, a revolution is brewing, and it may be the only way for Pablo to get out.

Film inspired by the real story of Rodrigo Rojas de Negri. Killed on July 2, 1986 during the first national protest against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

  • 6. desember kl. 18:00. - 1976 (95 min.) (Manuela Martinelli, 2022)

Chile, 1976. Carmen heads off to her beach house. When the family priest asks her to take care of a young man he is sheltering in secret, Carmen steps onto unexplored territories, away from the quiet life she is used to.
